The pros of a fictitious lover

Time to put something in the Love bucket. Here are my thoughts from today’s drive, back home from work:

  • You get to experience Love the way its meant to be, the fairy-tale version
  • Our brain brews a concoction of qualities, so desirable that in a certain way they also become our inspiration
  • There’s none of that pedestrian, everyday struggle involved with a real person
  • There’s a feedback loop built-in, the moment you begin seeing too much of each other, your head tunes it down, cool-off for a while and it will slowly turn it back on
  • Even when the above control mechanism fails, your choice is the only choice, the character’s never gonna leave, you can leave any day
  • Absolutely zero logistical problems
  • A capacity to enjoy everything from Romance dripping songs to Dard Bhare Nagme, if you are lucky, you might even make a Shayar out of yourself

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